All Accessories and Other Products
Browse more products that are available by calling (800) 969-1754.
Hardhats (company logo available w/minimum order required), Harnesses fall protections, lanyards, vests, safety glasses, earplugs, painters tape, and more.
COX North American:
Cartridge Caulk Guns, Sausage Caulk Guns, Replacement Parts for Caulk Guns, and more.
Woods Powr-Grip:
8″ Woods Powr-Grip, 9″ Woods Powr-Grip, and 10″ Woods Powr-Grip.
Concrete Fasteners, Countersink, Drill Bits & Recip Saw Blades, Setting Blocks, and Shims.

Our Locations
Cleveland, Ohio
Call Us Today (216) 267-1550
Hours & Closures Mon – Fri 7am to 5pm EST (Closed Holidays)
Our Store & Warehouse 13320 Enterprise Ave, Cleveland, Ohio 44135
Akron, Ohio
R.L. Wurz has expanded to serve our customers better in the Akron, Canton, and Youngstown area. This new location is near I-76, I-77, St.Rt. 8 and E.Market St.